I believe there are significant signs that help portray that the United States of America is a Nation in significant decline. Orthodox Christians know that since the proliferation of “The Pill,” in the late 1960‘s and the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade in the early 1970’s, our nation has known little social rest. The immoralities of what these two events have promoted, have long tentacles in our culture. Increases in: the divorce rate; cohabitation (couples living in sin before marriage); many marriages taking place outside of a religious ceremony; babies being born out of wedlock and not being baptized; over 3,000 babies being killed per day due to the legalization of abortion; and same-sex marriage being legalized, including in our own state of Rhode Island, all contribute to what can be defined as what would be considered a “pagan country” which is even worse than being considered “post Christian.”
The generation that began to inflict these societal ills on our society has had many disciples in the two generations that followed. Many from Generation X (my generation) and Generation Next, as both are called, gladly embraced the torch passed on to them from the Baby Boomer Generation. Rather than, as a majority, embracing as their role models, John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and President Ronald Reagan, they have embraced, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Jay Z and Barack Obama. There were two events that took place this past week that I found particularly disturbing, and believe support my hypothesis that the U.S.A. is a Nation in decline. The first event is the reaction to the George Zimmerman verdict of “Not Guilty,” and the other is the recent “Rolling Stones Magazine” cover featuring the “Boston Bomber” looking like a Rock Star.
On July 13, the verdict of “Not Guilty” was handed down to George Zimmerman by a sequestered jury comprised of 6 women, one of whom was black. After considering all the evidence they determined this to be a just ruling. Zimmerman was not arrested shortly after the incident took place because the Stanford police department determined there wasn’t enough evidence to arrest him. Zimmerman was only arrested after pressure ensued from some leaders of the Black community. They asserted that the shooting was not done in self defense and was racially motivated, even though all the evidence indicated otherwise. The F.B.I. investigated the claim that Zimmerman’s actions were racially motivated and concluded the shooting did not support this claim. When the case was brought to trial, the defense team came out of the gate stumbling a bit by beginning their opening remarks including a joke, very inappropriate, but the prosecuting lawyers could not mount a convincing case. The facts of the case indicated that Zimmerman’s wounds supported the belief that he was probably the one being attacked and shot Trayvon Martin in self defense. A forensic expert testified that the gun wound of Trayvon could have only occurred if Trayvon was on top in the fight and not on the bottom, hence Trayvon was the aggressor. A few of the jurors who broke their silence and have appeared in interviews in silhouette, all contended that they believed Zimmerman was on the bottom and having his head pounded into the cement. They all believed that it was Zimmerman’s voice screaming for help and not Trayvon Martin’s. The prosecuting team’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, who while being cross examined by the defense team, admitted she could not read cursive, (another indication we are a nation in decline), recently appeared
on an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN. In the interview, Miss Jeantel told Piers Morgan that Trayvon Martin was not intending to “kill George Zimmerman but only wanting to give him an “A#% Whopping,” because Trayvon thought that George Zimmerman was pursuing him because Zimmerman was a homosexual and interested in him. This is what Rachel Jeantel said, which completely obliterates the claim that Zimmerman’s actions were racially motivated and that he was on top beating on Trayvon. Even not withstanding Jeantel’s admittance in her interview, one could conclude that George Zimmerman is not a racist. He is a hispanic himself, has been a foster father to black children and took a black girl to his junior prom. He is called a “White hispanic” by the liberal media because he his half hispanic, half white, but this is a bogus term. Why don’t the same media outlets that call Zimmerman a “White hispanic,” refer to Barack Obama as a “White African American,” considering Obama is half white? Answer... Because the media is like some of the Black leaders in the country, not interested in justice but only interested in ginning up their base so they can gain political ground. That is why the Liberal N.B.C. Network doctored the tapes of the 911 call when they first reported the Trayvon/Zimmerman incident, to make it seem as though Zimmerman was a racist. N.B.C. later apologized for their actions. This is the reason as well, why President Obama said shortly after the shooting that if he had a son, he would
probably look like Trayvon. The likes of the “Reverends” Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are despicable as well because they have been trying to gin up their base. Where were these black leader’s when O.J. Simpson’s verdict was “Not Guilty.” When that happened they were supportive of judicious prudence, but when
they didn’t get a verdict they liked, the system is corrupt and their supporters need to take it to the streets. A nation in decline is one that doesn’t accept the law of the land, but riots and causes destruction to prove its point. What did the poor business owners whose buildings were destroyed by the rioting protestors have to
do with the verdict given in the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial? Nothing. A society in decline is one that destroys and tears down, rather than one that loves enemies and prays for persecutors. It would serve Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton well to reread the Gospels.
The other event that took place this week that was just as egregious as the reaction of some in the black community to the Zimmerman verdict, was Rolling Stone deciding to put the “Boston Bomber’s” face on the cover of their magazine. This is S O outrageous and such a terrible breach in what is decent and right because of the feelings of the victims. I have to admit though, I am not surprised. I will never understand Liberals as long as I live and what motivates them to commit such inappropriate acts against God and society. I can only imagine how the victims feel whose lives have been altered by this man. If a Tea Party member had
committed this cowardly and heinous crime (which in my heart I know would never have happened) would that person get celebrity status on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine? Why do Liberals make heroes out of terrorists? I know why they dislike Orthodox Christians, but Muslims are against abortion and same-sex marriage too. So why do they glorify terrorists like the “Boston Bomber,” and “William Ayers?” These are questions, that as much as I study political science and I am a student of sociology and current affairs, I may never answer. What I do know though, is, they are indications to me of a country that is in serious decline.