Please return your pledge envelop to the rectory office or simply place it in the collection basket at Mass. We estimate the entire project to be $5,000,000 and the good news is that we currently have over $2,200,000. With this money on hand, we can commence with the structural portion of work; however, we need to be assured that the parish will financially support the entire project. Making a pledge to the Capital Campaign over three to five years gives us the necessary information to get the project moving. Over the past few months members of the parish have attended several receptions and have already pledged their support. We are asking parishioners to consider a pledge over a three to five-year period. For example, a $5,000 pledge breaks down to $125 per month over three years after a 10% ($500) down payment or $75/ month if extended for five years, which is the equivalent of a sacrificial gift of $2.50 per day. Please review the brochure that was sent by and prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift to the campaign. If you have already made your pledge, thank you for your generosity. If you did not receive the campaign materials in the mail, please contact the rectory office (860) 599-5580.