Immaculate Conception now offers the option of electronic giving. One-time and recurring contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. You can also create a secure profile to modify or stop recurring payments and track your payment history. Our electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our parish. If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.
Click on the Donation button below to get started:
For assistance or more information, please contact Parish Giving directly at 1-866-307-7140 or via e-mail at or call Mrs. Lisa Mastrandrea (401-596-2130) in the parish office.