I am very excited about our Catechism Semester beginning last week. It is GREAT to see our children back in class and ready to begin a new school year :) I am happy to announce that we have 25 more children in our Catechism program than we had last year. This is a good barometer that we are gaining families and our parish is growing. Also we have 30 1st graders who have registered, meaning that we are increasing our number of children making their First Communion by 4 students.
Parents, please remember the importance of taking your children to Mass and teaching them the lessons of Catholicism at home. We really have to be diligent not to let distractions come in the way of practicing our faith. Also, I will be coming into the classrooms this weekend for Altar Server sign-ups. We have an excellent program, and I really hope you will encourage your youngster to be a part of our Servers Program, as they perform a VERY important duty during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.