Each year at this time concerns are raised regarding the potential spread of influenza throughout various communities. The most recent weekly report from the State Department of Public Health categorizes the statewide estimate of influenza activity as ‘widespread’. In addition, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this year's flu vaccine is less effective in the prevention of influenza A(H3N2) than in prior years. As pastors committed to promoting and protecting the well-being of our parishioners, we need to be as cautious and prudent as possible in responding to any possible threat, especially for children and the elderly. Since conditions vary from one locale to another, the most effective approach is at the level of the local parish. Pastors are therefore encouraged to prudentially consider the following guidelines and suggestions as they pertain to your local community: During the Eucharistic Liturgy, the Sign of Peace need not be announced or exchanged. (As you know, the exchange of peace is always optional during Holy Mass, omitting the invitation “let us offer each other the sign of peace” GIRM 154) If the invitation is announced, parishioners should consider avoiding handshakes, embraces and other physical contact. A simple gesture, or even a silent prayer, could easily suffice. Likewise, if your parish is in the habit of holding hands during the Lord's Prayer, this practice should be eliminated.