Frank Kelly radiates peace and joy. He has always lived his life striving to give honor and glory to God the Father, whether it was serving our Lord as a husband, father, construction worker or as a sufferer of debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. He was raised the sixth of twelve children in a devout Irish Catholic family in Boston. In 1985, he miraculously survived what should have been a lethal dose of electricity. Frank’s life then took a dramatic turn and his early devotion to the sacraments, rosary and prayer expanded and increased. Now he travels throughout the country, sharing his life changing experience and story, which is the subject of the book “Short Circuit to God.” He has been blessed with many apostolic gifts. His ministry, which is faithful to the Magisterium, consists of: Healing Services, Spiritual Seminars, Confirmation instruction Classes, Retreats and Conferences. His periods of prayer with individuals are powerfully accentuated by his gifts of discerning word of knowledge and healing- often accompanied by scriptural verses personally designated for the recipient of his prayers to the Lord. Many have been touched by God, through this simple, humble man, whom God uses as a vessel to heal mind, body and soul.