A very good friend of mine, who is a Psychiatrist, Dr. Claudio, said recently, “Father we are living in a world that has become an insane asylum.” After the passage of California Assembly Bill 1266, I have no doubt he is right.
California AB 1266 which takes effect January 1, 2014 will mandate that any student, K through 12, can inform a teacher of what they feel their gender is, regardless of their biological gender, and that teacher will have to refer to them as the pronoun of their choice. The student making this declaration can use the opposite genders restrooms and play on the opposite sex’s sports teams. So if Johnny, a Sophomore in High School, feels as though he is really a girl, his teachers will have to refer to him as “she,” he can use the girls facilities, including the showers, and play on all the girl sports teams. The passage of this Bill is an outrage and an affront to the basic sensibilities and tenants of Judeo-Christian beliefs of Faith and Morals on which the United States of America was founded. Did you ever think we would have come this far in our culture?
The doctrine which this espouses is a direct result of our culture and society embracing a Relativistic belief about “Truth,” and the blurring of the lines between “Right and Wrong.” Our children today in many cases are not being taught in school that objectively speaking, there are no absolutes when it comes to “Right” and “Wrong.” Rather they are being taught that right and wrong depend upon the individual, and what they perceive to be right and wrong. So, compasses like the Bible, Christian Doctrine, Traditional values and personal common sense, are thrown out the window and replaced with political correctness and one’s own personal feelings.
Objective Truth teaches that there are absolute truths that are based on Natural and Divine Law that cannot and should not be altered. Objective Truth teaches that just as the laws of physics govern the material world, and these laws cannot be altered, so too the Natural and Divine has laws that govern Mankind that cannot and should not be altered. Humans do not have the power to alter the laws of physics governing the material world nor should they have the authority to alter the Natural and Divine Laws governing the spiritual world. Legislatures that govern people may pass laws that seem to alter Natural and Divine Laws, like AB 1266, but these such laws are straw men. They are based on Relativism.
Relativism teaches that Truth is subjective, meaning right and wrong are based on the personal beliefs of the individual and not based on laws set by a Deity. Relativism says, “If I ‘feel’ it is right to do ‘A’ or ‘B’ than it is O.K. for me to do it.” For example, the California Legislature passed a law saying a boy can call himself a girl if he wants. What if the California Legislature passed a law saying God is not God? Would that law change the nature of God, or alter the fact that He is the creator and law giver of the universe?
Children are learning in school that there are no absolute truths; truth is only what one believes truth to be. What’s alluring about this for young people, is Relativism lets them set the parameters in terms of their behavior without answering to a Divine authority. It lets them ‘play god,’ to accept what they want to believe is right and wrong and what they want to believe is true and false. Under this belief then, our Rights or laws are not endowed by our Creator, as the Declaration of Independence states, but are subjected to the whim of lawmakers. They are elected and only have themselves and their constituents to answer to when writing laws, not a Deity who teaches absolute Truths. So, the individual, without adhering to Divine or Natural Law, gets to govern society and society decides who these law makers will be. Hence, the only real authority society has to answer to, are themselves.
This is how Communism governs. By taking God out of the equation, the State becomes the one who endows Rights, and if the State can give an individual Rights, the State can take them away. If Rights are endowed by God, then the State would have neither the power nor the authority to undermine the individual nor Divine and Natural Law.
Relativism and Subjectivism are taught to our children in schools under the guise of using the term “judgmental.” Young people are altruistic due to their naiveté. They have a heightened sense of wanting to be extremely fair due to their idealism that comes with youth. When “Objective Truth” and “Natural and Divine Law,” are presented to them in terms of coinciding with being judgmental they repel the teaching, because to them nothing is worse than being “judgmental”; not in the way that Christ taught not to be judgmental, but not being judgmental as taught by their Relativistic educators. Children are taught cleverly by Relativists, that if one embraces God’s Commandments, and accepts the Traditional Judeo-Christian philosophy, they are being judgmental toward others and trying to impose their views inappropriately. This is the way atheists, liberals and anti-Christians have influenced culture. They have ignored the reality of the role Catholicism has played in shaping Western Culture and Civilization, and have revised history to reflect their own view point and recreated it to reflect their own image and likeness.
This is narcissistic and a form of Idolatry. The First Commandment teaches that we should have no other gods before the one true God, this includes ourselves. Our opinion and/or feelings, should not supersede the teachings of God that are ordained by Him and order our lives. If they do, we become god and use our own terms for setting and making the rules that govern us. This was the justification for legalizing killing babies in the womb and redefining marriage from being between one man and one woman. Now Californians are trying to redefine the terms of gender, defying biology and nature. But this is possible to do, when you embrace Relativism and are living in an insane asylum.