The month of October is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. To celebrate our love for our Lady, our parish will be conducting two beautiful devotions. The first will be praying the Rosary before every weekend Mass. Because I am the only priest in the parish now, I am going to ask the Deacon and parishioners to help with the prayers. We are fortunate in our parish because there are many times in which the Rosary is prayed during the course of the week. We have two Legion of Mary groups that meet on Monday’s, one in the morning and one in the evening. Also, the Rosary is always prayed by a group in the parish after every daily Mass. There is a women’s group too that meets to pray the Rosary on Wednesday’s at 1:15 PM in the Cry Room. These are great opportunities we have as a parish to join groups who are praying for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.