O God we thank you for the gift of this Feast Day of San Giuseppe, the Italian culture and our way of life. You have bestowed many blessings upon the Italian people: Religion, Science Art, Architecture, Literature, Exploration, Family, Cuisine and Music; The greatest Empire in World History, Rome, converted to the Truth of the belief in Jesus Christ and created and cultivated Western civilization as we are now still bearing the fruits of its legacy. Dante Alighieri, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Enrico Fermi and many other Italians throughout history have brought you glory as a testimony to divinely inspired human achievement. As the tired Masses of Italian Immigrants reached the shores of the great country of the United States of America, we thank you Lord for the opportunities the U.S.A. has provided to the huddled masses who were not looking for handouts, but for hard work. They took minimal jobs in order to educated their children to make the next generation of Italians, Judges, Doctors and high ranking politicians. Never let us lose what is synonymous with being Italian, love of our Faith in Jesus Christ, love of our family and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. Adesso, pregiamo in Italiano.
Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Ricordiamo che viviamo nella presenza di Dio. Proteggi sempre la tua famiglia Signore, che hai nutrito al mensa del pane di vita nel ricordo gioioso di san Giuseppe e custodisci in noi i doni del tuo amore di Padre. Per Cristo nostro Signore.