We are currently selling Memorial Stones which will sit along the walk way area of the front garden of the Church. If you would like to purchase a stone please call Gina DeGiacomo 596-7988.
Prayer request page added! Struggling with something? Don't have time to bring your intention before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament? Complete this form and your petition will be added to the list others bring to Jesus.
When I had learned of Miley Cyrus’ performance by it being described as “over-the-top,” it peaked my interest. Our standards have so declined in the United States, that I am surprised there are any standards left at all. When it comes to morality there is no longer right and wrong in our world, but only the belief that one should do whatever makes them “happy.”
The priests must open the doors of their churches and invite the people to pray the rosary and pray intensely. Pray, pray, pray.
Every day at 6:30 PM, wherever you may be in the world, stop everything and pray 3 times the Hail Mary. Pray, pray, pray!
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will be resuming its weekly sessions soon. Please call the rectory, leave your name and number and Deacon John will contact you.
A Catholic should never feel truly at home with any philosophy, unless it is that of the Church’s. On the local level especially, it is important to look at the politician’s views and not necessarily his party affiliation.