If you would like to be an Altar Server and you have made your First Holy Communion, please come to the Altar Server Training which consists of the following 5 sessions all led by Father Capoverdi:
Calling all Catholic Men! Father Capoverdi’s MEN’S GROUP Immaculate Conception Church Next meeting: 7:00 PM JUNE 10TH, WEDNESDAY: in church. *This group meets the second Wednesday of every month.
I wish to extend my sincerest thanks to all those who have expressed their condolences to me for the loss of my father. My family and I are very appreciative of everyone who has expressed their prayers and support for us during this difficult time. May God bless you for your good wishes and thoughts to us.
Immaculate Conception Pro-Life Group Join us in respecting life and protecting the most vulnerable in our society! Meetings are held the second Monday of every month, 6:30pm in the parish center. Please contact Nuala McLaughlin at MichaelandNuala@cox.net for more information.
Women: With the coming of Summer and the warmer weather, please remember to dress modestly. Shoulders and legs should be sufficiently covered to attend Holy Mass. Men: Please remember to wear long pants to Holy Mass and not shorts
Through your generous gift to the Catholic Charity Appeal, Emmanuel House is able to provide a warm, safe place to sleep for those without a home and no other place to turn.
Please join us for Mass held at The Saint Sebastian Cemetery, Monday May 25th at 10:00 AM. In the event of rain, Mass will take place here at Immaculate Conception Church