See full article for full schedule Holy Wednesday: Tenebrae Service - March 23rd Holy Thursday: Holy Mass - March 24th Good Friday: Good Friday Service - March 25th Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer and Easter Vigil - March 26th Easter Sunday: Easter Sunday Mass - March 27th
Pew Project Total Cost .….…………………..….$76,000.00 To date amount collected …………………..…..$19,000.00 Amount still needed ………………………….…..$57,000.00 *We will keep you informed of the changing amounts as the Pews are reserved.
8-10 hardy people are sought to assist on Thursday March 31st between 9 and noon in setting up tables and chairs for The Best is Yet to Come Dinner-Dance. Please contact the rectory (401-596-2130 or icc(at)immcon(dot)org) if you are available to assist. Thank you!