The decade of the 1960s began with such optimism and enthusiasm. On November 22, 1963, a day that will live in infamy, an assassin’s bullets changed America and changed the the way we live forever. Not only was a president dead, but also what died with him were the hopes and aspirations of the 1960’s being an even better decade than the 1950’s. After Kennedy’s assassination, it seemed the whole world changed and began to collapse. As the picture tube of television sets began to change from black and white, it seemed so did America’s understanding of Right and Wrong go from black and white to shades of gray. We can’t change the past, but we can do two things, learn from history and try to make the future brighter. The way to solve our personal problems and the problems of a nation is to turn to Jesus Christ. We know we will have a brighter future if we garner the spirit we had in the 1950’s and early 1960’s and truly once again be, “One Nation Under God.”
Through the pope’s witness, teachings and popularity, those who convert will be treated to an authentic experience of Christ that is genuine and encompasses the totality of the Faith... If the pope ever changes these teachings of the Church, I will move into my mother’s condo... But if I were my mother, I wouldn’t count on having a roommate any time soon.
When I had learned of Miley Cyrus’ performance by it being described as “over-the-top,” it peaked my interest. Our standards have so declined in the United States, that I am surprised there are any standards left at all. When it comes to morality there is no longer right and wrong in our world, but only the belief that one should do whatever makes them “happy.”
A Catholic should never feel truly at home with any philosophy, unless it is that of the Church’s. On the local level especially, it is important to look at the politician’s views and not necessarily his party affiliation.
Ad orientem: literally, "towards the East"
...When the priest is celebrating Mass, it is really a prayer to God. The priest at Mass most of the time is directly speaking to God. However, there are times in the Mass when the priest is directly speaking to the people and invites them to engage in a articular action like offer a sign of peace to each other. Those times when the priest addresses the people, he turns to face them, then turns to address God as he beings the prayer again. Why
Ad orientem is important then, is that it provides a great teachable experience to all regarding what is happening
theologically at Mass...
A Nation in Serious Decline: ...A nation in decline is one that doesn’t accept the law of the land, but riots and causes destruction to prove its point...