Please join our Immaculate Conception Flocknote service for texts and e-mails for parish updates and communications from the pastor. Signing up is easy - (1) visit and enter your name, e-mail, and mobile number OR (2) text immcon to 84576.
The Parish Hospitality Committee is sponsoring a picnic to welcome new parishioners and welcome back all parishioners. It will be held after the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, August 25, 2019. There is no cost to attend for those parishioners who RSVP's in advance - it is $5 per adult for those who did not (children are free). We hope you can join us in the parish parking lot/hall!
Please consider attending (and/or donating to) the Angelo Turano Memorial Foundation's fundraiser on May 8, 2019 from 4 to 6 or 7 to 9 PM at the Westerly Yacht Club. Please click on the title for additional information.
Meet 2nd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall. Join us in respecting life and protecting the most vulnerable in our society! Please contact Nuala McLaughlin for more information.
At the request of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop Tobin has requested that parishes consider an emergency special collection to assist the victims of the Hurricane Harvey. Our prayers and material support is urgently needed to help rebuild lives. Our parish will support this endeavor and take up a special collection at the weekend Masses on September 23 & 24. Thank you for your support in helping those in desperate need.
If you cannot give any of your time to volunteer at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Festival perhaps you would consider donating any of the following items:
Feed The Hungry: The Food Pantry needs: Canned Fruit, Juice, Jelly, Soup, Crackers, Cookies, Jello, Pudding, Brown Paper Bags. Shelter The Homeless: The St. Vincent de Paul black metal boxes are on the walls at the entrances of the Church. Monetary donations can be deposited to help those with hardships that need assistance with rent, utilities, etc.
The Deborah K. Fallacaro Pregnancy Center 401.596.2880 Clothe the Naked: Please call the center for drop off times for your donations of baby clothing & necessities.